Machine Project: The Platinum Collection

The Frances Young Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery at Skidmore College
Machine Project: The Platinum Collection
Still going strong after more than a decade, the Los Angeles-based Machine Project is profiled in this encyclopedic book that explores unconventional ways of seeing and thinking about the world.
Edited by Mark Allen and Rachel Seligman, with contributions by Joshua Beckman, Ian Berry, Charlotte Cotton, Carmina Escobar, Asher Hartman, Cliff Hengst, Chris Kallmyer, Dawn Kasper, Krystal Krunch, Kamau Amu Patton, Haruko Tanaka, and Hana van der Kolk
Designed by Kimberly Varella, Content Object
Published 2017 | ISBN: 9783791356198
New essays and images capture the quirky essence of Machine Project, where vacations for plants, concerts for dentists, and operas for dogs are a few of the typical offerings produced at the informal, non-profit, educational institution in Los Angeles. Designed in collaboration with Kimberly Varella, this book reflects on Machine Project’s ongoing artistic practice, featuring an extensive selection of photographs of past projects and documentation of new performance projects at the Tang Museum by Haruko Tanaka, Krystal Krunch, Hana van der Kolk, Carmina Escobar, Kamau Patton, Dawn Kasper, Joshua Beckman, Asher Hartman, and Chris Kallmyer among others.