Look for Me All Around You: Sharjah Biennial 14: Leaving the Echo Chamber

Sharjah Art Museum
Look for Me All Around You: Sharjah Biennial 14: Leaving the Echo Chamber
Accompanying Sharjah Biennial 14, this volume provides a generative and global reading on performance.
By Claire Tancons and Hannah Black
Designed by Kemistry Design
Published 2020 | ISBN: 9783791358512
Accompanying Look for Me All Around You, one of the three sections of Sharjah Biennial 14, this book charts a non-chronological time-space (dis-)continuum between the Americas and the Emirates, building unexpected trans-oceanic and multi-diasporic bridges for a global history. This volume provides interpretative, discursive, poetic, political, and theoretical tools to compare and contrast modes of migration, production, extraction, and exploitation through a series of 30 newly commissioned context-specific works and critical texts. Look for Me All Around You also operates as an artists’ book generative of readings on performance.