Helen Pashgian

Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA)
Helen Pashgian
This book introduces readers to Pashgian’s newest work and offers a survey of her entire career.
By Carol S. Eliel, with a contribution by Helen Pashgian
Designed by Xiaoqing Wang with Lorraine Wild
Published 2014 | ISBN: 9783791353852
A member of the Light and Space movement that includes James Turrell, Robert Irwin, and Doug Wheeler, Helen Pashgian has explored the effects of light and space in her work for five decades. The untitled gallery-sized installation featured in Helen Pashgian: Light Invisible is a major statement by the artist. A series of twelve formed acrylic columns fills an entire gallery, allowing viewers to walk past, around, and between the columnar forms, inviting meditations on the nature of materials and light. Surveying Pashigan’s entire career, this book also features spectacular new photographs of the installation as well as an interview with the artist that delves into Pashgian’s fascination with the luminous properties of artistic materials.