Color, Line, Light: French Drawings, Watercolors, and Pastels from Delacroix to Signac

National Gallery of Art, Washington
Color, Line, Light: French Drawings, Watercolors, and Pastels from Delacroix to Signac
Spanning the period from Romanticism to Neo-Impressionism, this beautiful book reveals the extraordinary richness, diversity, and inventiveness that fueled a remarkably creative period of French drawing—called "the paper century" in the opening essay.
Edited by Margaret Morgan Grasselli and Andrew Robison, with contributions by Richard R. Brettell, Marina Ferretti Bocquillon, Victor Carlson, Elizabeth Easton, and Margaret Morgan Grasselli
Designed by Chris Vogel
2013 Washington Publishers Design Awards, Second Place
Published 2012 | ISBN: 9783791352282
Brilliant drawings by Degas, Monet, Cézanne, Gauguin, and Seurat as well as by many of their peers allow for a close inspection of such key artistic movements as Realism, Impressionism, and the art of the Nabis and Symbolists. With some 150 color reproductions, this volume serves as a perfect introduction to the exquisite techniques and talents of artists whose work continues to inspire and amaze.